wakeup call
07-06-2022, 12:30 AM
Perhaps he just wanted to change the subject, or maybe he really just did want to know, but no one had every really asked her about Tornach before. Most everyone she knew had known him longer even than she had. She blinked, surprised, and gave it a moment of thought. "Tornach was... he was the kind of person who cared, very deeply, about what was right. It gave him a lot of trouble, I guess. He didn't like packs - thought that they were inherently flawed and insular ways to live and that that they would inevitably corrupt those in power." She hesitated, wondering for a moment at that. Clearly leadership didn't inevitably corrupt others just because they led packs, or there wouldn't be good packs at all. They were all just doing their best, which was all anyone could ever do. It was sad that he'd never been able to get over his trauma enough to let that go. She didn't share his belief, but wondered if he'd have disapproved of her interest in packs. Well, even parents could not dictate how different their offspring's beliefs were, and it was up to her to decide that for herself. She shook off the thought, and looked back to Torben. "Despite that he was very driven to help others when he could. He had a tendency to collect strays," she added with a self-deprecating smile. "From what I understand that drive to help those who need it, no matter what, kind of runs in his family."
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times