
rain, rain, go away

solo seasonal


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
07-06-2022, 09:14 AM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2022, 07:53 AM by Ghoul. Edited 2 times in total.)

He was pleased with his development. The potential to rise up in the pack and be of something was just out of reach. It instilled a new sense of energy in the youngster that made it hard to sleep. Restless as the sun began to rise, he stirred quietly in his den. As his eyes opened and closed, over and over again, while he rolled back and forth, the boy let out a loud groan. Nothing seemed to be settling him; especially when his mind was racing a million miles a minute. Not even having his caimans curl up with him for some comfort seemed to help. Maybe if he went out looking for Edelweiss, he could find some comfort in that. Knowing that she was safe and not being attacked by some stranger. She had admitted previously that she wasn't good at hunting; was she any good at fighting? With that thought now also dribbling through his brain, there wasn't any way he could keep his ruby eyes closed.

Standing up with a stretch of his muscular legs, Ghoul decided going out during the day to find the girl or finding something else to do would at least exhaust him enough to sleep afterward. Making his way down the slick volcano side, he approached the nook with ease. The sun was slowly beginning to rise over the horizon as he noticed clouds beginning to rumble overhead, but he paid no mind. The tops of trees rustled and started to wave back and forth as the wind picked up. Feeling the pressure of an oncoming storm push against his side, Ghoul continued to ignore it. Sleep tickled around the corners of his eyes as he wound a path through the blooming trees. Petals of pink and white danced and swirled to the ground around him as he kept to the shadows. Rain began to patter the leaves as fat droplets dampened his pale fur. Out in the distance, thunder rumbled and a few moments later, a flash of lightning would light up the sky. What had been a seemingly pleasant dawn a few minutes prior was not a swirling, angry mass of a storm settling right over the nook.

Determined to at least make it outside of Redbud Nook to search for the girl with the moon marking upon her forehead, he didn't mind the droplets of water that showered over him. Thankful that he had decided to leave the trio of caimans back in his den, he stepped to the side of the worn, dirt path. Mud had started to squelch between his toes and if he was going to trek a far distance, it would not be good if it dried like that. Distracted by the thought of seeing Edelweiss again, he almost missed the scent. Not far in the distance from him, the faint scent of boar wafted toward his nostrils. Pausing in his steps as he slowed his breathing, he had to squint to see farther than five feet ahead of him. Turning his ruby eyes toward where the cluster of animals hid in a grouping of bushes, he quickly changed his mind. Storm or no storm, Edelweiss or no Edelweiss, he would go after them. A nice snack to put him to sleep would be more pleasant than spending days looking all over Boreas. Lowering his head and letting his ears fall back, he began to track the herd of boar.

Unfortunately for the pale pelted boy, the storm would increase in intensity. The wind lashed at his cheeks as it drove the scent away from him. Sheets of rain dumped over his body and increasingly made the ground harder to navigate on. No matter how strong he was, there was a potential for him to slip if he made the wrong move. His nose wrinkled in frustration as he tried to find the herd of boar. They couldn't have moved from their safe hiding spot and it hadn't been far ahead of him last he had checked. Squinting more now as the beads of water stung his cheeks, he finally caught the boar's scent again. They were closer than he imagined and he was thankful he had persisted.

Lowering his body a few more inches so that his center of gravity was closer to the ground, he inched toward his prey. Listening to the snuffling and squealing of the hogs, he tried to be as careful as possible. The howl of the wind and the crack of thunder hid his position for now. They had no idea he was sneaking up on them. Quiet as a mouse, the spotted boy slunk closer and closer to the unsuspecting swine. He could smell their dirt and musk by now as it permeated his nostrils more so than the fresh rain and mud surrounding them. Leaning back slightly as he wound up his muscles, ready to pounce, Ghoul launched himself at them in the next moment.

It was a thrashing squeal of cries and splashing mud as he made his move. Front paws stretched outward with mouth wide open aiming to land on one of them. His rear paws slipped slightly and he nearly loses balance. Hard to see, and difficult to maneuver, the hogs also had difficulty escaping. Their hooves splayed out as they fought to keep their balance upright. Scattering as fast as they could manage, one was not so lucky. As Ghoul came crashing back to the ground, hoping that one would not be fast enough, his chest landed on the hind end of the unluckiest one in the bunch. Ripping into its skin, Ghoul took it down with ease. Blood sprayed across his cheeks, mingling with the mud that he was now covered in. Once he couldn't feel the cries vibrating in his catch, he latched on to its thick scruff and dragged it back to his den. A nice little snack for him and the caimans before they finally got to rest.

WC: 1000/800