
plant gardens, not war

[ seasonal prompt, rheum ]



Master Navigator (333)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

2 Years

Samhain 2022
07-06-2022, 11:09 AM

Now that they were growing older, they were allowed to go to the bay without strict supervision. Uncle Kuroo had spent time teaching them how to swim in the calmer areas so that if they happened to fall in, they could survive. In her own opinion, the bay was nicer than the maze. All the maze ever was was boring and green and tall. Listening to the constant knocking of bamboo stalks and crickets droning on was starting to drive her crazy. Even if mama did keep her busy with plenty of healing lessons, she needed a break. Especially now that it was spring, and the heat was dying off, the cool breeze from the ocean felt nice.

Trotting along the shore, making sure to kick up some sand for fun, the plum-coated girl stopped in her tracks. A bit off the sand, in a grassy area with good dirt, a koi-patterned girl looked entranced by something in particular. She looked somewhat familiar, but Rheum couldn't remember if mama had actually introduced them yet. Not realizing she had been staring, Rheum took a step back when the girl noticed her and motioned her to come over. Hesitant at first, she took a few steps closer as the girl introduced herself as Sayuri. Curious as to what Sayuri was doing, Rheum peeked at the area. Gardening?

"Ohayƍ Sayuri-san, I'm Archer-Genji Rheum," oh uncle Hanzo would be proud of her for trying out more of their native language! "Rheum's fine though," she blinked her yellow eyes up at the girl a few times with a smile before turning her shortened puppy attention toward the task at hand. "Marigolds, hm. I'll assist, what can I do?" There was a tinge of eagerness in her tone as she wags her tail at the other healer.
