
out with the old

[ intellect seasonal, celeste ]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
07-06-2022, 11:30 AM
Winter had done her fur dirty. Quite literally to be frank. With more snow than expected and rarely a time where the ground was dry, Celeste had tried her best to keep herself clean. Not that Kuroki really cared to help. Did he even care if she was clean? Or appeared presentable? Ugh, not that she cared. No, she would only show as much care and emotion as he cared to return. She preferred to appear pristine in any environment, any season, any situation. Her appearance mattered to her and that's all she cared about.

As winter finally gave away to a warmer, but a rainier season, Celeste was going to take her chance. A chance at finally stripping her coat clean and looking like a true beauty once again! Bringing her midnight coated and matching horned Maine coon with her, the cat yowled in protests the whole way. "Zip it, you! Your fur is matted to hell." Celeste chastised him in her native language as they ventured out from Ashen's lands and toward the hot springs. Thankfully Armada had moved their territory so the trek was shorter than it used to be.

Breaking through the willows nearby, Celeste grinned happily at the sight of the bubbling pools. Luck was on her side today as well when the rain decided to hang out over the ocean for a while. Taking no time to pre-brush her coat out, she approached a rather large and steaming pool. Due to the curtain of steam, she didn't notice the other female who had already submerged herself. Not until one of her petite paws stepped on a branch and a loud snapping caught the stranger's attention. The soft hello caused her to pause as she reached over to grab her companion by the scruff.

"Oi, don't mind us. Just need a bath," Celeste replied through the fur clenched between her jaws. While the cat was no small feat to pick up, especially with him kicking and yowling the whole way, Celeste managed to drag him up and plop him into the rather hot waters. At first, the cat was fully submerged and she wondered for a second if he was going to drown... "Sorry if he splashed you," she said off-handedly, a slightly sheepish smile on her ivory lips while she waited for the feline to resurface.

Once the sputtering of the cat came above water, Celeste grinned at him with crinkled eyes. "See, you'll feel better," she said to the cat before wading in herself. Keeping near the edge so she wouldn't slip under herself, she let out a relieving sigh as her aquamarine eyes fluttered close. Had it been rude of her to not ask if the other girl was okay if she joined? Hm, possibly, but too late now! Reopening her eyes, she glances at the pale-coated girl with a friendly expression. "I'm Celeste. Apologies if we crashed your party," she wasn't actually sorry, but better to not piss off someone you just met.
