
Within The Snowfalls


10-08-2013, 09:32 PM

The snows had come, and just as Zanire told him she had fallen into the deep sleep that was known as hibernation. The young male continued to stay in the den that the two had found, taking comfort in her presence even if she wouldn't be able to talk to him until she woke up in the spring. Kar could hardly wait until that day. Already he missed Zanire's voice, her gentle way of speaking to him. But he knew that she would wake once Spring came.

Kar slowly left the den, stepping out into the Valley that was held in winter's grasp. The male twitched his ears, scenting the air for a sign of prey. A rabbit had passed by not long ago... but that wasn't going to be big enough to satisfy his hunger today. The brute started to walk off, heading to the South. He was going to make a check on Mako soon, just to be sure that his friend was doing alright.

Before long Kar came to the river that lazily ran through the territory. He lowered his head, lapping at the cool water while the chilly breeze ruffled his fur.

Speech, Thought