
well met

Aurielle or Ardyn



Master Hunter (270)

Expert Intellectual (215)

An icon representing the specialty Beast Master Beast Master

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-06-2022, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2022, 04:11 PM by Corbie. Edited 1 time in total.)
Corbie listened carefully as Ardyn described the man who had given him cause to be concerned. He wouldn't have bothered to warn her if he truly thought the man was harmless, even though he was clearly trying to be fair about it. "It sounds like a bit of a bully," she said. "I will avoid him, if I can." She could take care of herself regardless of if someone tried to push her around, but it would make for an easier and more comfortable time if she just didn't put herself in conflict with him to begin with. "I will certainly make it a point to visit Abaven. A school for the education of all sounds wonderful."

The news about his mother made her smile, though she hadn't known Aurielle well. With her coming into his life so late and choosing solitude over a pack, Tornach had never truly had a retirement. If only they'd found one another sooner, she would have been able to take over the sheep and let him have the rest he deserved, but the universe had had other ideas. "I'm glad that she has you to take over the pack and let her enjoy her years," she told him. "It must feel so nice for her to be able to relax with her loved ones instead of dealing with all the... alpha things." The last was said vaguely, with a bit of a wave of her paw. She didn't really know what being alpha of a pack entailed. She didn't really know what even being in a pack really entailed. She tilted her head, looking intently to him. "So how does it feel? To be the alpha?"
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times