
Within The Snowfalls


10-08-2013, 09:40 PM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

Just as the snows arrived so had she; Deception quite having picked a place to call home. Odd as it was truly it was better then being a rogue and on her own, curiosity was what had brought her out and about not to mention out of the pack territory. Not having met one wolf save for the albino King at Glaciem Deception had decided to poke around the place she called home only to find a den to claim for her self; not having expected to meet anyone however the ashen fiend had set out to explore and her paws had brought her to this strange snow covered place.

Those mismatched eyes stared blankly ahead as the fiend moved forth at a steady pace yet with oddly careful placement of those paws of hers. Proving to avoid holes and large rocks of which would leave her with sore paws. The boy hadn't been noticed as she moved forward, simply moving in one direction. That mind was els were even in turn taking little notice of her surroundings.