
Mists [Tel]



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-06-2022, 07:19 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

Whew...she could relax now, right? Did tigers travel in packs? She drew in a few quick sniffs but didn't detect anything other than her, Ardyn, and the tiger they'd just killed. “You still did well for your first time against a cat like this. Are you alright?” She turned her attention to Ardyn when he spoke, her muzzle pulling up in a small smile before she winced slightly from the motion. Her muzzle stung where the tiger had managed to scratch her, but other than that...she felt fine. "I'm fine, just a scratch," She was still calming her racing heart and waiting for the adrenaline to go away when Ardyn sat in front of her and reached up with gentle hands to touch her face, “Interesting. Has your blood always glowed silver like this?”

"What?" Confusion flickered over her, even when he showed her the glowing, silver droplets that he had just collected from her muzzle. "H-hey! My blood is glowing? And it's silver!?" Surprise and shock overtook her. Last she remembered, her blood had been the normal red like everything else! When did this start happening!? Had Ardyn been born with his glowing blood? Or did his spontaneously start doing that like hers was now? "My blood has never glowed before, so this is new..."

She dabbed at her muzzle to get a look at her now silver-glowing blood and compared it to Ardyn's. Yep. It looked the same, only his was a different color...she went quiet as she studied what she was looking at for a few moments before she realized that of course, Ardyn had been hurt, too. Her head snapped up to look at him, "Oh! Are you okay?" He seemed fine, and appeared to have minor injuries but still, she wanted to be sure just in case she had to go get a healer. When he mentioned using the tiger and not letting it go to waste, she nodded. "I can help you harvest those things here, or help you move it closer."
