
different variety

blight - seasonal


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
07-07-2022, 06:35 AM

As she stood to admire the area and choose a final spot, the scent of a stranger caught her attention. A male only slightly shorter than herself approached with a strange expression on his features. Apprehensive at first, Tenshi felt her muscles tense up. Would he be bringing her trouble? She wasn't sure by the grin on his lips until he offered to help. The afterthought of his offer with a sheepish grin made her soften up and her body relax. Poor lad probably just wanted something to do and by the appearance of scars across his body, he had seen worse days.

Before she could extend her thanks for his offer to help, another slew of words filled the air. Standing still, her face tilted ever so slightly to the side as he offered advice. So the boy had some experience gardening. Marigold indeed would be good, but the seeds she carried in her pouch were that of Calendula. Similar flowers with different purposes. There was already so much Marigold up in Boreas and though he was correct about Auster being a better environment, she did want to see variety.

A tight smile formed on her lips as she pulled her steel-blue gaze from the boy to the plot of dirt that she had been eyeing. His suggestion of her using her antlers was indeed a good idea. She wasn't getting any younger and if she could make uniform ruts in one sweep, her day would go by a lot faster. Once he was done, she glanced back over to him with a softer expression. "I have seeds for Calendula. It is similar to Marigold, they appear nearly identical," her thickly accented voice strains to find the correct native tongue words.

"I do enjoy your idea of using my antlers as a tool. We can see if it will work," Tenshi nods out of respect to the boy before tossing the bag of seeds in his direction. "If it works, plant them when I am done with the ruts," she says as her lips turn up slightly into a smile. He appeared eager to help so help he would be. Moving over toward the area where there were little weeds and more dirt, she leaned her head down and began to carefully carve out rows that were a few inches deep.

WC: 853/1500