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"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-07-2022, 10:01 AM

Hanako bit back the urge to shuffle back, to force more space between herself and the pirate king. It's what she should have done really, but she found herself quiet and still, brows furrowed as she looked at her extended front paws. Neither of them were looking at one another, gazes averted yet ears perked. Listening, taking it in, even though the better part of Hanako knew she shouldn't. That she should've left earlier when she had the chance, could still rise to her paws and just...go. Pretend this never happened.

In hindsight, it had all been so messy, a disaster of Hanako's own making. And yet somehow she'd managed to twist herself into both the victim and the prize on offer, loved the attention but hated how the aftermath made her feel. Guilty, like she ought to have done better, be better. For what it was worth, she hadn't wanted it to end up like this, hurt in all directions no matter where she looked. But how else could it have gone? Even now she felt the urge to play both sides, to be the centre of attention as she liked it and was a bad idea. Terrible. Sparrow knew it, they both did.

At least Sparrow sort of acknowledged she'd been in the wrong, a shame Hanako was struggling to do the same. Fighting against her very nature, swimming against the current with tired limbs. Wanting to give in and just be swept away by the moment, to forget and not think.

"It was just...easier to be nice with you, I think." She finally admitted, almost resigned. "I just..." What? She didn't want to choose? Didn't have the resolve? Her inaction was a form of choice though, in doing nothing and allowing Azure to take the lead she'd said her piece. Might as well have shouted it at the top of her lungs. "I don't know." Seemed to be her mantra these days.

"I thought you were fine. You beat Manae, you have your pack." What more could she want? Hanako. She wanted her.

It had all been easier to manage thinking it had worked out well enough. But now? Hanako sighed through her nose and looked over at the pirate through her lashes.

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