
no match for a bear




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-07-2022, 11:44 AM
Retreating was at the forefront of Beau’s mind at the moment. Out of reach, round back, and come back in. It was the method his family had taught him though he truly didn’t have a lot of practice with it yet. Mostly the older wolves of his homeland worked together to fell large predators like this while the young ones were observers. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as adrenaline pulsed through his veins. He could do this, something within echoed. This was what the pilgrimage was about. Strength, experience, and helping others…!

Now on the opposite side of the bear as the woman he’d leaped in to help Beauregard managed to spin back around as the whimper of pain escaped the large beast. The woman had her teeth into its leg and, in response to the pain it felt, the bear turned to lash at her again - an opening for the yearling if he ever saw one. He drew his blade, readying it.

The bear’s back was to him as it swung for the woman and Beauregard rushed forward to close the distance between them. Then, kicking off the ground with blade in maw, Beau made for the beast’s back between the shoulders.

His landing was hard, claws digging into the thick fur of the other creature as he swung his head, and by proxy his knife, downward with as much force as he could muster. The dagger did its job, slicing through fur and flesh alike as he buried it into the bear’s neck between its head and left shoulder.

This earned a roar of pain from the bear as it reared, swiping paws outward as it tried to dislodge the youth from its back. Beau gripped the dagger in his teeth for dear life as his paws scrambled against the beast, ripping skin as he tried to find purchase on its flesh.

Now Trill flew towards the bear’s face, nimbly dodging paws as she sought to distract its swipes away from either wolf. The bear they were fighting was in pain now, but perhaps with the right opening, they could take it down!

Large Predator Fight:: Bear { 2 / 3 }