
Rock You Like A Hurricane



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Navigator (70)

4 Years
07-07-2022, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2022, 05:46 PM by Aoede. Edited 1 time in total.)
The small golden star spangled girl paced along easily with her brother. His stride may have been longer but there wasn’t much she would have bet that said she was the faster of the two. The smallest, the youngest, she was the opposite end of the spectrum when compared to her siblings full and half. Part of Aoede thought she needed to compare herself to her siblings, to prove herself to her father and grandfather despite being just another in a crowd of puppies. Perhaps that was part of the driving factor of her restless paws and soul. She couldn’t deny how good it felt to stretch her limbs out here with Kore. She could walk leagues with him seeing new places and watching the weather.

They paced down the beach in relative peace, but it felt like every step they took brought a stronger gust of wind. With the quickness of the breeze increasing so would the coming clouds on the horizon. Like some imaginative nightmare the clouds moved with frightening speed towards the beach. Aoede hadn’t ever seen anything like this before. Where they lived it was usually lazy long rains, or heavy thick snows that slowly piled upon them. The whipping wind and stinging rain was completely new. The most this felt like was the tornado they had seen from far off..

This was a hurricane, and Ao was realizing far too late for them to get to safety. Kore commented on the angry sea, but it was more than just the sea they needed to fear. Her heart was struck cold, she hoped against all odds it was more bark than bite but as the sky darkened above them with almost unnatural speed she felt scared for her life. A burst of wind hit the both of them, very nearly knocking both Aoede and Kore off their paws, but she managed to keep on her feet.

"Kore, what do we do? Lets run inland. I don’t think we’ll find any shelter that I won’t be afraid will fall on us.” She had to raise her voice as her paws danced in the sand with the anxieties she felt. How afraid she was here in this storm with her big brother.

"Aoede Regni"
