
I found it. It's mine (Claiming)



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-07-2022, 09:30 PM

Kotori had waited patiently to see if there was another wolf out there with similar plans to make this place their new home.  The earthen-toned male didn’t know what had happened to Abaven but this land would be excellent to grow his pack and raise up a family.  Kotori had left the family pack to accomplish his dream and he would let nothing stop that.

A black and white stranger approached so Kotori stood but remained still until she challenged his right to the land.  Maybe later he’d ask how this stranger knew his name or why they thought he was building a pack for war.  Talking was a thing best done once a match was won though.  He would not waste his breath in words and give the female an opening to attack.  The crowd showing up was a surprise, but it was also ignored for the most part.  So long as none tried to intrude in the fight, they were another matter only to worry about once the fight was done.  

Farther behind Kotori a snow leopard had been resting in the grass, its belly up appearing to feel completely safe.  The cat, named Splash, stood up as the stranger spoke her piece.  It moved closer to Kotori but showed no current sign of aggression toward the stranger. A pale blue glow might be seen under a tree if someone wanted to pay close attention, but the little mongoose was small and would hardly appear a threat.

In preparation for his attack, Kotori folded his ears back against his head and tucked his tail out of the way beneath him to keep them from being available targets. His eyes narrowed to slits as his head lowered to have his neck fall even with his spine as his hackles raised and his shoulders rolled forward to bunch up his scruff around his neck. His lips pulled back in a snarl, exposing his teeth and scrunching up his muzzle.

Kotori rushed to move toward Corbie.  His head was tilted down as if he intended to use his horns in a frontal assault on Corbie’s chest.  Kotori’s true aim was not for the chest, however.  Kotori lined up with the intent to slam his left shoulder into the front of Corbie’s right shoulder. Kotori then snaked his neck out to aim a bite for the right leg just below the knee joint.

Kotori vs Corbie for CLAIM
Height 42"
Build Medium
Round 1/3

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]