
Trip And I Fall




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-08-2022, 01:23 AM

Manea waited and watched Relm as she seemed to take in the request that she made of her. She had stopped concerning herself over the way Relm tended to keep her gaze away, but whenever she did look up to meet her gaze Manea did appreciate the effort. Slowly she felt like she was beginning to understand Relm more easily if in no other way than understanding that her mannerisms and her comfort level around other wolves was simply different than her own. In the beginning it had come off as some kind of disrespect and Manea hadn't been able to figure her out considering the family of very confident, demanding wolves she was used to, but after Alastor let her in on some of Relm's past she was able to better understand her and see past the anxious energy that followed her to the quite dedicated woman underneath.

Once Relm accepted the offered position Manea smiled softly and nodded, simply replying, "Good." She would inform Alastor of the change in Relm's rank once they returned. She knew and understood that this meant she was condoning and even giving the two of them an excuse to spend more time together, but she couldn't think of a wolf that would better fit the position of Alastor's assistant of sorts. Alastor was an acquired taste at times and it took someone who understood him to really work well together and she didn't think that one of her cousins or her brother would really fit that mold as well as Relm would.

She moved to help Relm with transporting the moose back to the pack lands and as she did she said mostly conversationally, "I wish the beginning of our relationship had gone differently." Even though she had been introduced to the woman in passing before the day that she had found Alastor over her in the bloodied mess of a murder scene, that day had really set the tone for her first impressions of her and the subsequent reveal of her and Alastor's affair certainly hadn't helped matters. Now that things had settled down between them all and she had made her peace with Alastor's care for the pink-marked woman she did wish that they could have built a better relationship from the start rather than putting together what they had now from the remnants of what happened. "Perhaps we'll have more chances to get more comfortable with one another now," she added, giving Relm a small smile before she began on the trail back toward their home with their kill, glad that she had come out here to hunt with Relm—no matter how surprising that felt to realize.

"Manea Mendacium"