
The silence is deafening


10-08-2013, 10:59 PM

It was time, with tidus by her side, and Kai, the young lady was ready. Fear filled to the top of her lungs, even though she kept it hidden down low. She held her head high, apart from her lameness in her gait as she crawled upon the deck of the ship. Hoping that she could appeal to her old lovers love for her. Though she did not doubt for a second Canttina would be hurt and it dug deep thorns in her heart. Kai beside her, the demon let out a small hiss. Whispering in the dame's ear. "Don't show them your fear, it means you have a weakness for your attachment for them. Hold your head high, and with pride to what you are about to say." The demon told her. As Ozz took in a deep breath her green eyes looking out. Scars on her eyes telling her of her loss the same as the wound on her side. The soreness under her shoulder and elsewhere. The lady let out a powerful call to let the members of Amenti know what was going on. It was also a call for Canttina though.
She was hoping things could go down without a fight, with her injuries she was in no condition to fight. She also, wanted to take the young lad Avalon with her. Though with what she was doing, she couldn't expect kindness should she? Ozz was leaving Canttina, let alone Amenti, for another man. Tidus would be here to protect her, but she was afraid of him being hurt as well. She didn't let it show, just as Kai told her. The lady perked her ears, she held her posture high. A fierce look in her eyes, she was ready for whatever was to come anyway.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,