
we all make mistakes..?



4 Years
10-09-2013, 12:11 AM

In all honesty she probably should not have been wandering so far from the pack lands, by now she had swollen to her full size, her walking devolving into little more than a vaguely elegant waddle. Her pelt, though still luxurious and long, did not heat her as it once had, her former glory lost to help maintain the lifestyle needed to support the life growing within her. The life itself was another matter entirely. She had not imagined this much activity could come from something that did not live yet. But it was non-stop, the swinging of limbs as if they had to test them every second, as if they might disappear if they weren?t in constant movement.
It all put Narsha into a very irritable mood. She did not like feeling as though she had lost her glory, this was what drove her to seek out places beyond the pack lands. Her paws tracing a familiar route, unaware that they were taking her towards the place that she and the grey male had briefly matched up. Things were different here now, the advent of winter had frozen the once lively forest and as she approached the falls themselves, she realized, the water itself. The once loud tumbling falls were now frozen into great, glittering spires. It was enough to push the bad mood away, though the male stuck at the bottom of the falls certainly helped.
With a chuckle she trotted towards him, slipping carefully along the ice, aware that any false move could send her tumbling and that any jarring landing could spell the end for the life within her. She slunk up beside him a grin splitting across her face. Amber orbs glittered with amusement, as she laughed again. ?It would seem you?ve found yourself in a bit of a predicament.? She said, fighting to contain her giggling.
