
The Armada Family



10-09-2013, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 05:15 PM by Isardis.)


NOTE: No more neutral good etc. characters will be accepted, the family is one of strong determination and competition; they are known to attempt to eradicate any packs that pose a remote threat to them. Due to the number of kinder Armada's created, from here on only neutral and darker alignments will be approved.

Garaile was the alpha male of a distant pack who was born the only male of his parents, and therefor the only male to carry on his families surname; he established a neutral pack consisting of women and men he believed to be the highest of caliber, forming the group upon the foundation of purest quality. If his children wanted to leave, they could leave, happy for his blood to spread well and truly away from the surrounding lands. Young males who he believed posed a threat to himself and his leadership were rapidly pushed away, the only blood to be stripped of his surname the few children who may have developed deformities in the womb, or disgraced he and his respectable laws. Children are raised with a firm hand, the family alliances generally always drifting between neutral and neutral evil. Though not particularly aggressive, they are a force to be reckoned with whenever the time should call upon them; they are well trained in combat, unless Garaile thought them on the weaker side (or if the child was raised with it's mother).

All names can be changed, and designs may be constructed by yourself or chosen from some of the examples listed below. Make your choices based on the appearance of both parents; keeping in mind the grey/blue traits of Garaile are very strong within the family line. All children by Isardis may carry the last name of the mother upon arrival, however if the unite with him and Glaciem he will request they use the surname Armada.

I will consider adding extra babies to litters upon request!

dead, taken, available, parent

female | male

[Image: 5pAW8qP.png]
[Image: i7nnGSn.png]

Garaile Armada x Ainhoa Senti

Sendoa Armada, Fermin Armada (6yrs, spring)


Garaile Armada x Ainhoa Senti

Isardis Armada, Unai Armada (5yrs, winter)


[Image: 0C4lUiE.png]
[Image: u9kRlKP.png]

Isardis Armada x Shaari Opulus

Taurig Armada (3yrs, winter)


Isardis Armada x Shaari Opulus

Falk Armada, Sibelle Armada, Eulari Armada (1yrs, winter)


[Image: 5pAW8qP.png]
[Image: HysBkjN.png]

Garaile Armada x Sable Eztebe

Abelinda Armada, Storm Armada, Kristoffer Armada (3yrs, summer)


[Image: 0C4lUiE.png]
[Image: zzlSGlM.png]

Isardis Armada x Nekane Lumin

Satis Armada, Impra Armada, Kedestes Armada (2yrs, autumn)


[Image: 0C4lUiE.png]
[Image: 98kLhxI.png]

Isardis Armada x Nephisa Oihana

[An alphess said to kill all children not born with a coat of white, and known to mark all in her pack with varied tribal symbols.]

Nerea Armada, Silviu Armada, Lohii Armada, Leafe Armada, Halom Armada, Eshura Armada (1.5yrs, winter)


Original Name: As it appears above.

Chosen Name: The name of your character only if you have changed it from the original listed above.

Alignment: eg. neutral, lawful evil etc.

Brief History: No word minimum- where did they come from, and why have they come to Alacritis?

Plans: Upon arriving in Alacritis, what do you plan to do with your character? No minimum.

Appearance: Keep the parents designs in mind! No minimum.

Personality: No minimum.


Original Name: As it appears above.

Chosen Name: The name of your character only if you have changed it from the original listed above.

Alignment: eg. neutral, lawful evil etc.

Brief History: No word minimum- where did they come from, and why have they come to Alacritis?

Plans: Upon arriving in Alacritis, what do you plan to do with your character? No minimum.

Appearance: Keep the parents designs in mind! No minimum.

Personality: No minimum.