
Tamsyn x Resin Daughter Readoption



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-09-2022, 12:01 AM
Name: Pitch
Design: Click
Personality: She believes in hard work and pulling your own weight, and has an almost child-like belief that good deeds will be repaid. She wants to be a knight and fight for her family, and stand up for the weak. This may lead her into trouble as she follows the ideals of her heart; to be Loyal, steady and strong. Someone that can be depended on not just in the easy times, but the hard ones as well. Her experiences have taught her to be afraid of loss, and her desire to be strong and capable steam from that insecurity. It is also what brought her home, to reconnect with her family and find the strength to protect and grow with them.

Having learned to find an inner strength inside of herself, not much will phase this wolf. Steady under fire, and capable of showing initiative and innovation she’s a good wolf to have at your side in a fight.
Pitch found a soulmate in a friend outside of the pack lands. Caught up in adventures and travel as she journeyed around Auster, until an ill fated run in with a predator left the dear friend she had made dead in her arms. Distraught and thoughtless, she searched long and hard to regain any sort of inner peace inside of herself. She found it in a remote mountain as she found the ability to move on and grow as a person.

Homesickness brought her back to Auster, where she wants nothing more than to reunite with her family and train to be a knight under her Alpha brother.
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]