
The Cloud Princess

Aliana x Chimera daughter adopt


07-09-2022, 03:00 AM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2022, 01:42 AM by halfawyrm. Edited 13 times in total.)

OOC Name: Wyrm
Character Name: Artemis Klein
Alignment: Lawful evil
Apperance: 36", medium, Design 5
Personality: (Site minimum)
Observant, rigorous, blunt, ambitious

Artemis will be a smart cookie, that’s for sure. Inheriting her awareness from her mother, she makes sure nothing, and I mean nothing, escapes her notice. She’ll keep her family under a watchful little eye, knowing that as the youngest among her family she’ll have a lot to prove. An army of older siblings makes one want to stand out, regardless of how much her parents will dote on her.

This trait is deeply intertwined with her desire for predictability. She, like her mother, values a good schedule. However, not everyone does, as she’ll be made very aware of early on, and that will not do. Forcing people to adhere to her idea of things is not her style, she knows it is an impossible task. Instead, she will try to expand this idea. Everything follows cause and effect, and she seeks to study these patterns. Everyone follows a schedule already you see, it’s just that not everyone can notice it. But Artemis will, she swears it.

She’ll gravitate towards positions of power, but not for the fancy titles. Knowledge is power to her, and she wants to be told everything. She’s also bad at asking politely. Like every entitled child, she’ll demand things rather than request them. She just needs to know, and you wouldn’t deny a pup’s need, would you? If denied, she gets huffy, and if you’ve really ticked her off you might get a threat flung your way. It’d be wise not to take her threats lightly.

Her ambition and entitlement are undeniably her father’s, and while she’s certainly without the same bloodlust she doesn’t share her mother’s pacifism. There are situations where violence is called for, and she’s happy to dole it out. However, what has failed to pass on is her family’s charisma. Most of Artemis’ interactions with others are transactional, and she does little to hide the fact. She will not start as a hedonist either, failing to draw much pleasure from alcohol and good company, she’ll be born a workaholic.

Skills: (Fighting/intellect)
Potential plots, plans, etc.: Being the newest and last addition to the Fenmyre royal family, she’ll be a little princess with a lot to prove. Short term, she may get jealous of her other family members for being cooler than her! Long term, I’m thinking of her shooting for a leadership position, something like a military strategist. She’ll stay in Fenmyre with her family when she reaches adulthood.