
I found it. It's mine (Claiming)



Master Hunter (270)

Expert Intellectual (215)

An icon representing the specialty Beast Master Beast Master

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-09-2022, 07:29 AM

Though her opponent was much larger than she was, Corbie didn't fear to face him. Bears were larger still than he was, weren't they? Even as the crowd gathered, the crowd she ignored whether they were in support or opposition, she simply readied herself calmly. Ayer climbed down from her habitual post on Corbie's and moved a few feet off to the right to not get in the way. Still, things didn't feel quite complete until Tam came up to her left side, still panting from the effort to get through the growing crowd to her. None of the three of them were fighters in the purest sense of the word. She took no enjoyment from fighting other wolves and had not made it a point to do so, but the three of them had fought off marauders looking for sheep dinner many, many times together. Wolves looking to claim packs were, essentially, no different than the thieves she'd chased off before. The actions were the same, though the intent was different. She'd expected to feel something, some righteous indignation or anger or exhilaration. Instead she just felt the same matter of fact, roll-up-your-sleeves neutral sort of feeling of preparing to do a dirty, but necessary job. She didn't want a world where the bullying, war-like wolves edged all the kinder, gentler packs out of existence - therefore she would simply have to step up and do what needed to be done.

----------- (OOC note: skip to here if you just want the fight) -----------

Corbie shifted her weight to center it evenly to all four paws, her stance widening to be just over hip and shoulder width apart, and she half-crouched to lower her center of gravity. This would make her harder to push around, even for a larger wolf though she would prefer not to test it if she could dodge. She kept her joints loose to ensure smooth and fast movement rather than tensed. Her head lowered to be even with her spine for balance, her tail raising to the same level ready to balance her in quick turns. Her muzzle lowered a bit to protect her throat from easy access, her ears pinned back against her head and her watchful eyes narrowed to likewise minimize them as a target. Her toes she spread wide for better grip to move quickly. Her hackles rose in an instinctive gesture to give the illusion that she was larger than she was and confuse her outline.

Just in time, because Kotori charged her. Thinking he was trying to gore her, she pivoted her hindquarters to her right in an attempt to avoid his horns. This brought her around ninety degrees to point towards what HAD been her left, and luckily avoided his shoulder strike almost entirely. His shoulder barely brushed It did not get her completely out of the way of his bite towards her right foreleg (OOC: confirmed with Shard) but she had moved far enough that it only sliced across the front point of her shoulder, leaving a minor laceration there.

She took advantage of Kotori having his head so low to aim her fangs towards his face - attempting to slash diagonally across his brow and muzzle, rising from left to right, in the hopes that the profuse blood flow typical of facial wounds would blind him temporarily. At the same time that she did, Ayer the kinkajou shrieked and leaped forward, seeking to viciously claw at the bottom of Kotori's tender left flank with her sharp claws.

Round 1/3
Height 31"
Build Medium
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times