
My Love, My Soul, My Heart!


10-09-2013, 05:00 AM
Gentle green eyes watched as the woman before him as she approached. His long fur would gently ruffle with the breeze as he stood there. A smile lifting the corner of his mouth, and with slow gentle steps he would close the gap between them. With a slow nod to confirm her words, he reached forward and touched the side of her muzzle as gently as a breeze would stir the surface of a lake. He pulled back, keeping his nose just inches from hers as his sweet breath stirred the air. "Yes Udosa, it's me. I've come to find you...don't cry, I'm here for you now." The young man would sit then, curling his long feathery tail around his paws. He wondered if she would ever forgive him for not standing up for her that day...the day his pack chased her away. Attempted to kill her. They still searched for her weeks after she disappeared. Jasper had been sad and depressed when she left. His puppyhood had been spent sneaking away to play with her, and as they grew older together he had fallen in love. After a while of her gone and hearing nothing but talk of her treachery and thievery, Jasper had had enough. He told his father that he was leaving, and with the final argument Jasper had turned and ran.

"I came here to find you...I left my pack...for you. After you left, I just couldn't be without you. I missed you so much, and now I've found you..." His words would begin to falter, falling into a whisper as tears would begin to reach the brim of his eyes. He had been searching for her for well over a year, and she was here now. pure green orbs roamed her features, taking in the woman that he had not seen for a long time. "You're just as beautiful as I remember...only prettier." His voice came out as a whisper, a tear finally spilling over down his cheek.