
Darling Don't Forget


10-09-2013, 06:46 AM
Aqua blue eyes would watch the face of his beloved after the man's words had left his lips. He spoke truth, all of it. Confused did she seem for a moment as her brows furrowed; it looked as if there was a wall in her mind. Perhaps there was a wall and she was on one side and he behind the other....but then the wall started to's cracks very small until they became visible. Looking into her own emerald green eyes her dull gaze seemed less dull, becoming more bright.

Only a few moments had gone by until Ookami moved closer to him and pressed her head into his chest. At that moment a breath Thane had been holding left him. As tears began to slide down her face at that moment the wall cracked, shattering the boundaries between the two lovers. She would speak then, in a soft whisper. The dame would speak of how he had been in er dreams and how she believed him. Come like a river did her tears fall, she cried and cried as she pressed her body closer to him and curled up in a sitting position. Leaning down to nuzzle the top of her head the male would not cry. He would not show any negativity at this moment where she needed him most. Letting his salmon tongue flicker out to plant a kiss on his beloved's cheek the man had waited for this day.

The day his love would come back to him.

The day she would come home.

The day they would be together again.

The day he would hold her close once more.

Soon enough more words fell from Ookami's lips. She told him of how he brought her home, and how he had guided her the entire time.

Then he himself would speak in return,

"I waited for this day, that you would return back to us, and you have, alive and safe. I thank the stars, I thank them so! There's also the children we've had. you may not really remember them...but you disappeared well before they have turned yearlings. You were around enough though, they miss their mother; but I've raised them well after your absence. They're over a year now, yearlings m'dear." he would say softly, letting her drink in the information piece by piece.

"Resnera and Ravine have returned from their little "adventures". You should see them all, Ravine and Ryker as handsome as ever. Their heads fit their ears and their legs fit their paws. Fine young men they are now, you would be proud Ookami. And Resnera, a beautiful young lady, I say she takes after you in your sense of exploration and adventurous behavior." he said as he gently nipped her ear.

"You may not remember everything but I do, I can remind you....darling don't forget." he said last as he leaned down again to nuzzle his beloved.

White lined ears lay slightly flat against his head as Thane's tail began to slowly wag, gentle not to hit Ookami by accident. The thunder boomed above as the rain started to come down heavier than before. It poured and poured as Thane scrambled to try to look for some shelter as he sat next to Ookami, leaning over her so that she may not get that wet. Aqua blue eyes looked around until they fell on a hole by the bottom of the tree trunk, going underneath it. Standing up the man took his muzzle and nudged Ookami before pointing towards the den with his nose.

"Quick, we can take shelter in here for a while." he said as he waited for her to enter first.