
Old Scars and New




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-09-2022, 08:56 PM
His smirk pulled into another grin with a flash of teeth as she fixed her gaze ahead of her again at his obvious admiring of her. He was already greatly enjoying teasing her and making her flustered with these simple comments and flirting. He could only imagine how she might react when he finally got his paws on her and even just the thought of it disturbing this poised, composed exterior made long neglected needs and desires come rising to the surface. He forced himself to look back at the path after a moment to push the thoughts away. It would do him no good to allow those thoughts to fester... At least not yet. Once they got to Elysium and he was able to sort things out with his sister then he could imagine and do everything he could possibly think of with and to her. He could already tell that the waiting was going to be unbearable, but he would manage. He always did.

Eventually she spoke again, mentioning how she had known Manea since she was a pup, his sister apparently doing what she did best and finding her by her unique paws and praising her for them. "She was right to," he agreed. "They're quite spectacular—as are all of your gifts. I'm not sure I've met anyone with as many unique traits as you... And coming from me and my family that is quite a high compliment." Paws, eyes, ears, tail, horns... Everywhere he looked he noticed some other interesting feature on her and she did honestly take his breath away and make him start to wonder if all the bullshit he knew his sister believed in so deeply about how the Ancients crafting one perfect mate for each of them was really true. He just wished that if that was the case then the Ancients wouldn't have taken their sweet time creating her. It was a shame really that he missed out on three years worth of having children with someone, but for Ikigai he was beginning to think it was worth it.

Her insistence that joining their packs and families with blood was important to her surprised him a bit. He supposed that he had assumed this arrangement had been Manea's idea or perhaps Ikigai's mother's, but it seemed like this very honor bound and logical choice was Ikigai's. "I'm certain it will," he replied in relation to the strength she said would come from the union. A small quirk of a grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he added, "Though I do hope you'll enjoy living with my family as well. As much as we value strength and loyalty, we also value pleasure equally." He bit back a comment about how he would love to make sure she knew what that pleasure was like, chuckling softly instead as he looked ahead of them at the path that seemed to be drawing to a close. It was difficult to behave himself so he did hope that they would be making their way to Elysium quickly once they finished her business here.

"Deimos Mendacium"