
Fragile Innocence


10-09-2013, 10:23 AM
It was dangerous for the both of them, as loners, to be so far up while winter was beginning to bare its icy fangs. Yet here they were, nestled into the side of a mountain, waiting for the snow to fall less quickly. Io would have to face the frigid temperature drop because of her sensitivity to light - but she would face it when she came. Thankfully her immune system wasn't delicate like much of the rest of her - it would take a good while before she became sick. It was nearly enough to tempt her to keep searching for her brothers, just a little while, just enough to know that they weren't here in the north. The albino nodded at Arietta, her words both hopeful and a bit melancholy. Hopeful for Io, but realizing that there simply was no one out there that she could call her kin.

If she was a bit younger, the wolfess would have adopted her right then and there. But for now, she was slow to intrude so completely on the young female's life. The last time that she had done that, the other had disappeared as soon as she joined a pack. Kira would be missed quite dearly.

The albino would watch the other bite into her meal, glad that she had done something to help the girl out. Perhaps that meal would keep her going for a time - it was small, but it was something, which meant a lot up here in the mountains. Idly her eyes trailed over the cave walls that surrounded the two of them - strange scribbles and shapes that seemed to represent something - but just what she had little to no clue. It seemed that her company had the same questions.

"I have never seen anything like them." She mused, standing up and moving to get a better look at the scratches. "Alacritia has a lot of things left by strangers that seem to be gone." There was a metal structure up north, and a wooden one in the south, as well as things that no animal she knew could create on their own. "They seem like they were crafty. That one looks a bit like us." She pointed out a group of scratches that seemed to form a four legged, sort of fuzzy creature - with a long nose and sharp teeth.