
what's black and white?


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
07-11-2022, 07:36 AM

Hanzo's disgruntled mutter caused her ears to flick back momentarily. The temptation to say something snarky in response made her teeth grind together before she refocused on the task at hand. With Hanzo's added pressure now on the bear, the animal took to standing on its hind legs, a serious expression replacing the previous relaxed one. Stepping closer, Tenshi wasn't going to waste any more time. Taking one more swing at the panda with her bamboo stalk, she heard the loud thwap of it against the bear's side.

It dropped its snack and let out a roar as its paws began swiping at them. Well, if it wasn't going to go peacefully, she would have to use force. Dropping her own stalk, she danced out of the way of its swipes, feeling a rush of air as claws nearly sliced her cheek. Pulling back her lips to show her own teeth, she kept her gaze on the black and white creature. Hanzo was smart and capable enough that he would follow her lead or take a seat and watch.

Waiting for her next opening as she kept the pressure on the bear, Tenshi lunged forward and nipped at its thigh. The bear stumbled back, nearly losing its balance and landing on all fours. With its rear to them, head turned over its shoulder to grumble some more Tenshi lunged again. Teeth ripping at its haunches and paws seeking to swipe its ankles, the bear picked up its pace finally. Maybe these creatures were not as aggressive as their northern counterparts.

Following the bear, as it trampled its way through the maze, she held back once it was close enough to the outer edges of the maze. Watching it take off, Tenshi finally glanced over to Hanzo. "Just needed a little push," she mused with a shrug of her shoulders.