
out with the old

[ intellect seasonal, celeste ]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
07-11-2022, 08:54 AM
Celeste glanced over at the cat with a tender smile. Maybe she did enjoy his company more than she let on. It wasn't hard to see that she did care for the cat, but hadn't really accepted the fact that he was hers. That was something she hadn't come to terms with yet even though they hosted a similar appearance. Even the curling horns on his head were near identical to hers. "Ah, well," she paused as she glanced over to Edelweiss. "You see, it's a rather long story," Celeste's lips pursed as she tried not to remember the Long Night.

"It happened when I first came to Boreas. The natives called it the Long Night. An infectious plague called the Ooze was killing so many and when I found my companion, he was near death. I couldn't let the poor thing just die so I took him and helped nurse him back to health. Honestly, I'm surprised I never got it," she reached a paw out to pat the cat on the head. Withholding the tale of her losing all of her fur for a season only to be gifted a longer and silkier tail was a story for another time.

As their conversation shifted to her question about waiting for someone, Celeste giggled as Edelweiss choked on water. Was the other girl going to make it so obvious? Grinning like a monkey who had just stolen fruit, her chin nodded as the other girl tried to chalk it up to her only needing to bathe. To be acceptable, mind you. "Mhm, of course, one must look presentable at all times," Celeste agreed, the smirk still laced across her lips. That was until Edel asked if she had someone to wait for.

Furrowing her own brow, Celeste huffed. "Yes and no," she admitted as she looked at the girl. "He's been moody lately and I haven't seen much of him so I'm not sure where his feelings lie," her shoulder shrugged, trying to brush off the feeling that she had fallen for someone who didn't quite share the same feelings. Sighing to herself with a roll of her eyes, Celeste leaned over and rested her chin on the outside of the pool. "Why are boys so stupid?" She asked openly, not caring for an answer.

Meet Someone New 1/3