
don't go breaking my heart



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
07-11-2022, 03:17 PM
Any trepidation or overwhelming concern about this dramatic shift in his lifestyle were instantly washed away the moment his lips met Venom's and he had her within his arms once more. Maybe he was making a mistake. Maybe he was falling too fast for someone and unwittingly leading himself into the same trap he'd fallen in before, but there would be no way to know without taking the risk. It was a leap of faith, but for Venom, it was one he was willing to take. As willingly as he gave himself up to her in body, mind, and soul, so too did Venom—not just the Ashen Empress, but the woman she was as a whole too. Venom had opened herself to him, allowed him to see the most intimate and private sides of herself, brought him into her pack, her home, and now into her bed as well. This was real. Everything he was feeling between them, pulling them, burning within him, it was all real. When they were having their secret scandalous rendezvous out at his camp, it had felt more like those casual hookups of his past. Now their union had substance and depth behind it. They were taking that next big step together. Maverick vowed to do his best not to fuck this up.

The couple collapsed back onto the bedding together in a tangle of limbs and locked lips, feeding off one another's passions and desires. Together they were baser, simpler creatures. She was the Empress, but here she was his woman. He was the renegade, but here he was her man. That was all Maverick needed to be content and happy. Fuck the titles or power that inevitably came with a relationship with the alphess; they meant nothing to him. Mav had never been the kind to lust after power or desire control and influence. He'd lived his life the way he wanted, pursuing things he enjoyed and what made him happy. Venom made him happy. It was as simple as that. And he could feel her mirror that same desire for him in her actions, every gentle stroke or caress of her paw, the way her muzzle moved against his, their bodies entwined as they lost themselves in their seclusion. This was perfection. Venom was perfection.

Laid out across their shared bed, Maverick felt Venom stretch her svelte body across his own, clinging tight to him with white-gloved paws on his cheek and around his neck through the duration of their kiss. His own paws had looped around her waist, keeping her held tight to his frame as they both shifted to adjust themselves, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle, like they'd always meant to be this way. The heat smoldering deep in his core flared and combusted, growing hotter and stronger the longer they remained entangled. It was only once Venom gently broke her lips from his own that Maverick got any sort of reprieve from the scorching heat, breathing a shuddering sigh while heavy-lidded eyes slowly flickered open to gaze up at the gorgeous Empress with an affectionate smile.

She whispered against his lips, her words designed to arouse and entice him and working magnificently to that effect. He hummed, a deep rumbling in his throat while the snow and coal fae shifted atop of him, settling her body more comfortably on top of his while she straddled his waist. His gaze met hers, that mischievous grin and glimmering eyes making his belly tense with need. Mav grinned back, a flash of roguish naughtiness within those glimmering teal eyes. "Mmm you do... I think I like being down here." Large mismatched paws slid slowly from the small of her back to follow her waist, resting on her hips so as not to inhibit her movements in any way while encouraging her on. For a moment Maverick just stared up at Venom, grinning that goofy smile as he marveled at her, reveling and delighting in her body atop of his, touching him, being alone with her like this. Gods, he really was the luckiest brute alive! "You're so beautiful, Venom." Softly whispered words were murmured with a gentle yet insistent caress of paw pads over her hips, feeling over the svelte curves of Venom's sides like he were appreciating a masterpiece of art. He wanted her so badly, but he was also enjoying them taking their time, savoring one another, building the anticipation for what they both knew was coming. A slow burn that would blaze into a wildfire together. That was what his Venom was.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.