


10-09-2013, 11:31 AM

His eyes widened slightly, excitement glittering in his eyes as he felt her canines puncture his skin. The stinging of the bone, as it tore through his fur shot through him, shooting endorphin through his body and a rumble of pleasure came from his jugular. He felt a shiver of delight as the ivory witch tightened her jaws, attempting to remind him of the delicate position he was in, but he could already feel the lower member of his body reacting to the eroticness of the scene he now found himself in. As the witch suddenly pulled away, he felt her teeth dragging, and stepped into the drag, so as not to pull back so she wouldn't rip his skin too much. He may have adored the feeling of her inside his flesh, however, he preferred having his neck in tact.

The witch leaped away, carefully putting distance between them, and he could see the traces of his blood on her jaws. Lightly shaking his neck, he felt the burn of the wounds she had inflicted, and let out a low snarl, as he faced her, his eyes raking across her form, but most importantly landing on her haunches. Her words would come, peaking his interest. Congratulations? What was she... Oh fuck. Suddenly, he wasn't feelings as aroused has he had been. Like a limp harry, his body relaxed.


A father? That was nearly laughable. He was far from what any creature would want in a father. Far from it. A guffaw of laughter escaped his jaws, and he looked at caught between expecting it, and also expecting to see a difference in the small wretches frame. Taking a deep breath, he smelt it, how had he missed that? Pregnant. His meaningless, one night stand, was pregnant?! Fuck. One word slipped from his jaws, as he stared at her, shock visible in his expression.
