
I Really Think It's Better This Way



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
07-11-2022, 08:47 PM
Spring is slow to arrive in the lands of Boreas, the stubborn chill of winter often lingering long into the day. Ricin has spent his days since the festival helping give lessons where he can. It is fulfilling and the look of surprise that often greets the young teacher always amuses the blue boy. But… there is still an open wound in his heart from that day. He had seen Duchess depart quickly and without any word.

The festival had been fun, the race with Duchess and Kione had been the highlight of the event for the boy. But… everything had changed later on. It had not escaped the boy’s notice that the purple woman left in a rush and, when he had finally been able to excuse himself from the gathering, he could not find her. Worry had caused Ricin to try and seek her out for several days after her hasty retreat, exploring the nearby lands in hopes of finding her. However, the weather had quickly turned against him as winter squalls appeared on the horizon. Worry had gnawed at him as the skies darkened and snow blanketed the land, his thoughts often turning to the sad Duchess that he had seen racing away from the festival.

Today Ricin is lounging near the lake, the early afternoon soon warming his coat as he fights the sleep that tugs his eyelids down. A content sigh leaves his dark lips as he allows them to fall shut, ready to take an impromptu nap at the water’s edge but a call has his eyes snapping open and long, gangly legs pushing him up from his resting spot. He knows that voice and he quickly rushes to where the purple woman waits. Ricin had worried about her, wondered why she had departed the festival so quickly without letting him know. Part of him often considering if it was something he had done. Lean blue form races to where Duchess is, his paws not slowing as he nears. Relief is written in his features and tears prick the corners of his eyes as he reaches her.

Ricin stops in front of her, breath coming out in jagged heaves as emotions choke the boy. Long blue legs reach for her, wrapping around her smaller form as he leans down to embrace Duchess. Tears patter against her head as the boy holds her, curling himself around her as he sniffles. He had tried to tell himself that she has her own life and that she was not abandoning him but, with his previous life experience, it was difficult to believe. Now, she is here, in his arms and all he can whisper is, “Mommy. You came back.” Oh, how he had missed her.

"Ricin Dauner"