
Rain on your parade

Saracyn Seasonal


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-12-2022, 07:15 PM

Saracyn loved to hunt. He loved the thrill of stalking his prey, of tracking their tracks and scent, lurking just out of sight, knowing they were mere moments away from gruesome death while being so blissfully unaware. There was an energy to a hunt that brought him a high unlike any other activity in the world, save for maybe a good bloody fight, but it was a toss up. So when Manea had taken some time out of her day to invite him out to do some goat hunting up in the mountains of their home, there was no way he was going to turn down that opportunity. He had not had a proper hunt with his mother since the group hunt he had partaken in with his parents and Uncle Poe—and no, he did not count the failed snake hunt they had gone on. There had been no challenge to it, no attempt to kill his quarry, just bitter failure and disappointment. This time, however, things would be different. Saracyn would kill a goat one way or another, and nothing was going to stop him from succeeding this time, especially not in front of his alpha mother!

Stalking up the winding mountain paths, Saracyn felt the temperate wind rip across the land in powerful gusts, cutting through his fur and tousling it about. The air felt electrified and overhead dark storm clouds roiled about in the atmosphere. There was a storm coming, of that there was no doubt. Saracyn did not care. The yearling actually liked the rain, and if anything, it would just add another element of challenge to their hunt—and a cover for a surprise ambush. An excited grin was peeled across his lips while he followed along and slightly behind Manea, cobalt blue eyes scanning their rocky environment for any signs of the many goat herds that resided in the mountain range. Soon enough, the pair of predators came across a herd near a rocky ledge, grazing on stray bits of dried grasses that grew between the rock. Sara felt his nerves tense, his energy spiking along with the feel of rain on the humid air. It was time.

The ruby and obsidian yearling followed his violet mother's silent directions and crouched low, skulking along the mountainside toward a large boulder to spy on their prey. Saracyn studied the goats' movements, watching the one that wandered away from the rest of the herd at the same time Manea noticed it and pointed it out, the two wolves clearly on the same train of thought. Manea offered him the initial strike and Sara would be loathe to pass on that opportunity. "Absolutely," he replied quietly, already scouting out the best way to approach the kill. There was not much in the way of cover between them and the goats, so they would either have to blitz the approach or work their way around the back side of the mountain to circle back on the goats. A low rumble of thunder overhead followed by a few heavy drops of rain made up his mind for him. He was not about to start backtracking through the rain when their prey was right there! Saracyn glanced over to his mother, shooting her a devilish grin of his serrated teeth with a wild gleam in his eyes that betrayed his intentions, and then at the next clap of thunder, he leapt out of cover and charged the herd.

Saracyn snarled as loud as the thunder as he rushed the goats, large paws pounding over the rocky ground. The yearling flew like a crimson missile towards the goats, which noticed the charging wolf and immediately went into bleating fits of terror, scrambling to try and get away for their lives. The isolated goat they'd selected had been the furthest away and got a head start on trying to flee, giving the gleeful red wolf the chase he so desperately desired just as the rain began to fall heavier and faster, preluding an absolute downpour about to open up from the heavens.

WC: 679
Total: 1107 / 1500

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
