As Sure Footed As...
Kichi, Merrick, Saracyn
07-12-2022, 09:22 PM
Kichi wasn’t the most social of wolves but he was content around the wolves he would be with today for hunting. The curious part of this to him was Ricin instructing them on something Ricin admitted he had limited knowledge on. So, how was he going to teach them? Was there a way to teach something you don’t know much about? Well, it wasn’t likely this would be set up unless Ricin did have some sort of plan.
Kichi nodded to the other wolves as they appeared and glanced at Ricin as he spoke. “I’ve kept to mostly flatter landscapes. I haven’t done any hunting on the mountain.” There were options that sounded better to the silver wolf. He didn’t mind hunting on the mountain but it seemed more work than necessary as a general rule. So was telling them to try hunting goats going to be a way of learning? Trying something harder to make other locations seem easier?