
Autumn Rains Mean Wedding Plans



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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-12-2022, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2022, 08:30 PM by Rudyard. Edited 1 time in total.)

Rudyard had been able to sleep into his normal time and after had spent a portion of the day weaving a fishing trap.  It was boring work but important.  He hadn’t told Fern about his plan to take her exploring for an entire season as her wedding present but he was preparing as he’d promised Art.  They had given out lessons for the hallows wolves to learn how to hunt a bit better and he would leave the tools for an easier way to get some food.  There would be a time to do extra hunting and food to preserve for the pack if they needed the extra food while they were gone.

Fern and Rudy spent enough time apart she didn’t see most of the traps he made.  There was no hard work in hiding it, simply making it outside of the castle exterior and then setting it aside in a storage area of the castle.  If she did spot him making a trap it certainly wasn’t a shocking matter that he might make one kind or another on rare occasions.  Rudy was one of their main hunters, a master of the craft and whether or not everyone saw it he took his job seriously.

Fern finally finished her tasks and found him.  Rudyard grinned, making a show of wanting to finish the trap before leaving but, of course, she got to win.  If she was going to best him in a fight and get to decide when the wedding would be he could at least make her work at this even if he was perfectly ready to go and speak with Art.

He chuckled as they made their way to the great hall.  It was a rare thing for Rudy to come here to talk with his brother.  He hadn’t tried sneaking up on Art for their last talk so this would have been a good reason but it was a thing between him and Art.  Fern might find it strange going to Art’s room for a talk so here they were it seemed.  Rudy sent out a call for his brother to come and meet up with them.  The message did assure not an emergency.  Rudyard wondered how long it would take of staying safe before the family didn’t fear Rudyard was in trouble the moment they heard his call.

Rudyard had been thinking about his future with Fern and really there was not a lot of room for reckless actions in his future.  Rudy liked the idea of having pups.  His own little bunch of trouble makers.  He hadn’t asked Fern about it yet.  The motley wolf hadn’t asked Art if the alpha was ready for pups simply for Art’s own future but of his own.  The bond he had with Art and his brother’s opinion on the idea would mean a lot.  Hell, if Art had said he wasn’t ready then how could Rudy possibly be ready?  Art was the most responsible among them after all.

Sitting there, feeling Fern lean against him he kept his ponderings to himself for the moment.  He imagined her thoughts were solely on the upcoming wedding to be planned.  Rudy’s mind saw the wedding as a start and already imagining the future that would lay ahead.  So many changes were coming in life, so many had already happened.
