
A new day




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
07-13-2022, 01:16 PM
((To keep things moving it's been decided Voodoo will be the primary healer involved with this birthing thread, that said other pack healers are welcome to come and help however we will not be waiting too long on posts and keep a flexible posting order. Once the kiddos are born any other pack members who want to meet them are welcome to come say Hi.))

Her labour had started some hours ago when the moon had still hung in the sky even if it had been creeping towards the horizon. Recluse had a pretty good idea of what to expect at this point, the contractions started light enough and she hadn't raised the alarm yet, simply doing her best to keep herself upright and moving, trying to encourage her little ones to shift into the proper position and hopefully, their birth would be soon. And then the moon had set and the light of dawn had started to color the skyline and still, her contractions were far enough between and Recluse knew she was in for a long wait. The woman moved herself into the spacious den she'd taken more recently and continued to pace. Eventually, Eraithus had joined her and Recluse had done her best to assure him that she was fine, that he should sleep while he could, he'd know the moment the pups were properly on their way that was for sure. To be honest, she didn't know if he actually did get any sleep, she was a little too focused on the pain and discomfort in her abdomen.

The sun hadn't quite hit its zenith yet, and though Recluse was exhausted by the loss of her normal sleeping schedule compounded by the physical discomfort and pain she was being put through, finally, the true contractions started. Recluse winced, a whine pulling from her lungs and she hobbled her way over to her usual pile of furs. They would need to be changed once this was done of course but for now, she wanted comfort, wanted to lay down and get the pressure off her pelvic bones. She reached out to shakily tap Eraithus, still not sure if he was actually awake or not.

"Eraithus, the pups are on their way." She managed, voice clearly strangled as another contraction wracked through her body. She managed a wavering call for any of Habari's healers who might be awake to hear her before she finally lowered herself onto the furs and winced again as she was wracked by the pain. Gods she hoped that these children would prove themselves to be less painful than her previous litter.

"Speech" Think

Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.