
Kill the World With Whatever it Takes

Fighting seasonal



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Navigator (0)

1 Year
Extra large
07-13-2022, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2022, 03:16 PM by Marchosias. Edited 4 times in total.)
The meeting had left the left the yearling with a lot to process. Firstly, the abandoning of territory. She lingered by the lake, by the den she had been confined in for most of her life. Under no circumstance would she miss it, but a goodbye to the place that had defined her life seemed customary, something that had had such an impact on her deserved a send off at least. She considered pissing in it.

Secondly, the matter of her sister. The others seemed to regard her with curiosity more than hostility, but enough wariness to make March shift her weight nervously from paw to paw while she thought back on it. How quickly could those feelings turn? She thought back to her alpha, the look in his eyes twisting her guts over and over. Surely he of all people would understand? She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her. He didn't know how much they had sacrificed, not really. As much as talking it through was a possibility, she couldn’t deny the poison that rose in her stomach. If he couldn’t understand, she’d make him. She noticed her lip curling. She wanted to bite someone.

Winter continued to fight its losing battle, a chill in the air hung around the lake. She was still thin, almost unhealthily so. She’d fix that the fun way. She called, to no one in particular, short and blunt. It was very clear that she was looking for a fight, she just hoped none of her siblings would answer. She was eager to just let loose on some poor schmuck, and maybe bleed some of that naïveté out of her as well. She felt stupid, she felt confused. She wished she could know better, to be able to crack open someone’s skull and read their thoughts. She wished she knew how to keep her family safe. She’d have to settle for a lesson in fucking someone up.

WC: 324

[open to whoever, she’ll be rough but she’s young and skinny and out of practice]