
I'm not stalking you or anything

Venom ♡



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
07-14-2022, 02:09 PM

It was so easy to just exist this way with Venom, so much so that is still took Maverick by surprise when he realized how relaxed and open he had become playing this little game with her. How long had they been at it now? a few minutes or an hour? Time felt like it had no meaning when every second was spent in her company, each moment well worth it to see her smile, listen to her laugh, watch that adorable blush spread over her cheeks as he poked and teased at her repressed baser side of her personality, prodding it to come to the surface and show itself. Venom called him incorrigible and Mav simply rolled his shoulders in a casual shrug, the shameless grin on his face admitting his guilt to her claim but finding no remorse in any of his actions or words with the Empress. It was just too much fun playing with her like this in an innocuous and halfway wholesome way. Even if their game did involve sneaking away during a public event for a sordid rendezvous alone, drinking to the point of inebriation with sex on their minds, he was having fun with Venom. For her, he'd crash a thousand weddings just to spent the evening with her.

Venom made a passing remark about not realizing she'd made such an impression on him and Maverick raised an incredulous brow her way. Surely she had to know how much she had impressed upon him if he was traveling continents and crashing weddings just to be beside her. The fact that he couldn't have her to himself every night was torturous enough on its own, so he made do with the fantasies and memories of her in her absence. Still, Venom haunted his mind like a ghost, living within his thoughts and dreams like she'd always been there. "More than you realize," he quipped back. "There's scarcely a time you're not in my head one way or another." It seemed like perhaps her question had elicited a deeper response after all. Mav chuckled; touché, Venom... His question drew more of that lovely red color across her cheeks, and her whispered response revealed just how far gone her inhibitions were by this point. Maverick, who had scant few to begin with, was right there with her, ready and willing to say and do anything she asked of him.

The dire brute had half expected the svelte fae at his side to finally give some resistance to his advances when he suggested having his way with her right then and there in the gardens, but to his surprise, Venom seemed enticed by the idea. She confirmed that she likely would not resist him, earning an intrigued and eager grin and raise of his brows while he lost himself deep within those pools of liquid sunset. The heat within his belly flared and spread through his nerves, burning him from the inside out at the prospects of coupling with Venom beneath the wisteria arbor and summer sky, bathed in moonlight where any passerby could witness their scandalous union. She smiled at him, that happy and carefree smile that made his heart skip when he saw it on her gorgeous face, and Maverick knew he was about to come undone for her. Venom made her final assertion, guessing that he had every intention to have his way with her in the gardens—and urging him to do so with a grin.

Maverick gazed deep into Venom's eyes, his heart pounding with anticipation and a sly grin of his own spreading across his lips to match hers. Teal eyes smoldered with a lustful fire and carnal hunger while he raised his cup and emptied it of the last of his mead in one long gulp. Discarding the empty cup to the side with a careless toss, the white and navy sky-colored brute made his move, shifting to pull the coal and snow fae's body flush to his own with strong forelegs around her side while his muzzle moved down to claim her own in a deep and intensely passionate kiss. His lips crushed gently into hers, pressing into her with his weight to usher her to roll onto her back, moving if she relented to carefully rest his body above hers. He held her tight to him as if letting go would mean she might disappear forever, his tail lashing with anxious excitement across the grass while the vagabond's eyes drifted closed, giving himself up to his Empress and their desires.

Maverick had greatly enjoyed their game together, but now it was time to give Venom more of that loving she craved and needed—but he wasn't quite done playing with her yet. He would give her what she wanted, but first he was going to enjoy and savor her, and he was going to go at his own pace. Venom might be quite maddened by lust by the time he took her, but it would make that first moment of connection even more amazing and euphoric. Besides, they had all night to enjoy one another, and the brute was already planning on finding an empty bedroom for the two to spend the evening drunkenly enjoying one another until they passed out. The event might have been for the happy couple, but this was their night to enjoy together.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.