
I knew you were t r o u b l e *

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-09-2013, 03:39 PM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

Liet was quick to take refuge behind her that body keeping it's stance as tensed as she was, lifting that head briefly only to look back at her sibling and seeing the herb oh Zodiac was tempted to turn her wrath upon her sister for trespassing for a damned herb. Why did she get them into this sort of trouble? This hadn't been the first time this had happened oh no Liet just had to go and stick her nose somewhere it doesn't belong just for a herb. Zodiac understood she was a healer but why oh why had it had to be in a packs territory? Uttering a slight growl of annoyance her gaze shifted to the large male once more proving to be quite winded after Liet's little masquerade she had pulled.

The brute proved to know what a respectful distance was and that was ideal for zodiac at least for the moment. Even as that head lifted and that snarl plastered on her stoic face left that muzzle as she simply watched him as he proved to speak. Once he was finished a second glance was given to her sister. "By the looks of it raiding your home for herbs." The dame stated it flatly she had said it many times before at lest to the ones who didn't out right attack them. "Liet always gets her self into this kind of trouble; I should of expected it sooner and stopped her." That gaze hardened briefly knowing she would have to scold her younger sibling.