
The Armada Family


10-09-2013, 03:39 PM
Original Name: Aleida Armada
Chosen Name: Sibelle Armada
Alignment: lawful nuetral/chaotic good
Brief History: She grew up never knowing her father, and never really cared to know him. She was raised by her mother with her other siblings, including those that were older than her. As a female, she was well taken care off within the pack, always respected even at a young age. This caused her ego to inflate, thinking of herself as a princess and should be treated as so. The day of her birthday she left her pack, explaining that she wanted to see the world. She quickly found herself growing lonely, and tired of the lack of attention. When she stumbled upon the lands of Alacritis she was thrilled to be in the company of other wolves, but it wasn't the same so she had set out in search for a pack.
Plans: Find either Taur or Isar, side with whom finds her first and persaudes her, side with them, maybe do some spy stuff, inflitrate a pack
Appearance: It is apparent that the girl takes after her mother, her eyes are a vibrant light green, her pelt is lush, a mixture of a multitude of colors. Her legs, chest and under belly are all a creamy white. The top of her muzzle is a light red, sometimes looking tan. Moving up her face to her crown the coloring gets darker, becoming slightly more red. The nape of her neck and shoulders are the reddest part of her, being a vibrant brick color,, down the rest of her back and tail fades once more into a lighter reddish tan color. Hers father albinoism diluated the red color her pelt could be.
Personality: The woman thinks of herself as a Queen and demands to be treated as so. While she isn't outwardly cruel, she does hold herself to certain standards. She is very laid back and despite her flaws, she is incredibly loyal, and will fight to the death to protect those she is loyal to. She doesn't always feel inclined to help others, but on occasion she does. The Queen also has an issue with authority, not liking to be bossed around. Never would she consider hurting an innocent wolf, but if she feels they deserve it then you can bet she will dish out justice.