
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-14-2022, 08:06 PM

Manea hadn't anticipated just how much the simple phrase would affect or how much it would mean to Irilyth until she felt the small, blonde healer that she had pulled into her chest freeze for a moment. At first she thought perhaps she had misread things and her declaration of love had made Irilyth uncomfortable as she felt Irilyth's head lift from her chest and she didn't get a response right away. She even voiced her disbelief, repeating back the statement to her with hesitation, but a moment later after her words seemed to sink in and Irilyth had a beat to catch up to this shift Manea had made in their relationship she felt Irilyth nuzzling into her chest with so much happiness that it genuinely surprised her. It made a wide, happy, touched smile pull across her lips and she held her close, just savoring and enjoying this moment that she could make Irilyth so genuinely happy. She hadn't known how deeply Irilyth had felt about her until this moment with it all hidden behind the quite professional demeanor Irilyth usually wore, but this genuine moment made Manea all the more happy that she had let her own feelings slip.

One of her large forepaws shifted up to hold Irilyth's cheek, guiding her muzzle up as she lifted Irilyth's head till her aqua gaze met the smaller woman's raspberry eyes, looking at her with adoration and joy while her opposite foreleg shifted down to her lower back and wrapped around her possessively. She kept their bodies pressed tight and tangled together, unable to get enough of the feeling of Irilyth's slim, feminine form against her own. Her tail brushed against Irilyth's leg and found her tail to entwine them, getting them as close as physically possible. "Never be afraid to tell me anything... I love you. I want to know every thought, hope, and dream inside that beautiful head of yours." She brought her muzzle down to Irilyth's, pressing their lips tenderly together with a deep, loving passion that she hadn't previously shown fully to her before. It was a love that she knew she should have given to Irilyth long ago, but the drugs she had been given had lowered her inhibitions enough to finally shake the words loose and now that they were free from both of their lips she felt so much unexpected relief and euphoria in that moment.

She had always seen Irilyth as hers, especially after she started to become selfish over her and not even let Alastor have her, but more and more the connotation of that ownership had changed until now it wasn't an ownership at all, but instead a deep, possessive love for her. She knew that if Irilyth were to suddenly disappear the gap she would leave in her life would be devastating and she needed to protect her dear lover and friend so that would never come to pass. She also knew that Irilyth deserved so much more from her life whether she would ever ask for it or aspire to it herself. Manea so badly wanted to see Irilyth thrive and have the confidence that she knew had to be somewhere in this gorgeous fae and it felt like her mission to bring it out of her. As her lips parted from Irilyth's she blinked open her eyes and peered down at her again while her soft, rounded toes gently scritched and traced around Irilyth's delicate ear. "I want more for you," she said softly, a dreamy smile lingering on her muzzle. "I don't want you to just be my handmaiden any longer. You deserve to work along side me and show everyone the amazing skill I already know and am constantly astounded by." She gave Irilyth another soft kiss and added, "I want you to be our lead healer, my love. You are the most knowledgeable healer I have ever encountered and I would trust no one else with this position."

"Manea Mendacium"