
Ten Thousand Ways To Lose



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-15-2022, 03:46 PM
Alastor knew that if he gave Relm the freedom to do as she pleased with him, then she would seize the opportunity with gusto. Or at least he hoped she would. Following their encounter at the lake, he didn't know how she would feel. This would be a test of sorts in that regard. Fortunately, his hopes didn't go dashed as he felt Relm eagerly press back into his kiss, feeding from his desire like she had been starving in the desert and he was a meal. There was no sign of hesitation, no signs of reluctance or uncertainty. Relm had decided what she wanted and Alastor knew what he wanted as well. He wanted Relm; he wanted Relm in all the ways a man could want a woman. Despite knowing their limitations, knowing what they could and could not have, Alastor didn't care. Relm was his and he was Relm's. Manea had her silly little servant girl to bang around when she wanted and he had his Relm. Whatever relationship they built together would be theirs alone, even if it had to exist within boundaries. He would take full advantage of whatever he could get his paws on with her and make the most of it for them. Relm deserved it.

As they lay together, Relm's forelegs squeezed around his sides as she pressed forward into another kiss, one Alastor eagerly received with a rumbling murr in his chest. Relm wanted her match and Alastor would give it to her happily, fitting their bodies and minds together like linking pieces of a broken puzzle. Amidst their kissing, Al felt Relm's chest press lightly into his, a silent suggestion for him to roll over for her. Relm wanted to be on top of him and he was intrigued, the dire brute relenting without fuss to recline to his side, then roll onto his back, exposing his vulnerable underbelly and more intimate parts to his lover. Their lips didn't part the entire time, Alastor kissing Relm as deeply as he would Manea, holding nothing back from her. He parted her mouth with gentle insistence and slid his tongue into her maw, tasting her with an appreciative groan. Relm settled on top of him, her weight a comforting and arousing presence surrounding him. Her paws and claws on his chest would have been a delight in of themselves, but Relm took it further when she ground her hips back into his, drawing deep, guttural groans from the massive brute as she teased him. Gods, he loved the way she teased him like that! Giving him just enough to keep him on edge, sending shivers of pleasure through his body and making his core muscles clench while soft belly fur rubbed over harder parts of himself, making his toes curl and flex with the sensations. Relm was learning his body and his hot spots, and it showed.

Their lips parted, both wolves gasping for breath and Alastor's groans becoming more audible as his voice was unmuffled, his muscles rippling while he began to roll his hips eagerly back up to meet hers. The added friction started to grind his intimate parts against hers, still not yet making that ultimate connection and joining their bodies in carnal union, but getting oh so close. He could feel the heat and softness of Relm's body on him, driving him mad with need and desire. The dire brute was given only a few minutes to gasp for breath before he was silenced once more by Relm's mouth, kissing her with hungry need while they worked themselves against one another, finding their rhythm in one another and moving in near-perfect harmony. Massive black paws slid up to caress over Relm's thighs, groping at her hips and shapely rump, any part of her he could grab without impeding those wonderful movements she was making. Just as she loved seeing him in his bedroom element, so too did Alastor love to see Relm come unleashed in these moments of passion with him, giving herself fully up to him and holding nothing back. She was never more beautiful or stunning than she was when he saw her as this vivacious, sexual, erotic creature. Knowing he was the only one to get to see her this way just made their time together all the more special to the demon wolf.

Their kiss broke again, brute and fae panting hot and heavy for each other. Al's paws flexed, claws pressing into the flesh of her thigh. He gazed up at Relm through heavy-lidded bedroom eyes, drinking in the sight of her. Fuck, she was so hot when she got like this, and the part of Alastor that liked being dominated by his women loved seeing her straddling his waist like this. Relm whispered against his cheek, asking for him to show her something new. Alastor gave a purring growl in response, brushing his cheek against his lover's while he considered her request. Relm wanted to experience everything with him, new things at the forefront of her desires. Well, Alastor was a lover who thrived on keeping his partners in pleasure, so her wish was his command. The fact that they were both still lying half in and half out of her den meant nothing to the horny dire; if anyone walked by, they'd be treated to a show of the two impassioned wolves ravaging one another. The idea sent a shiver of lust down Alastor's spine. Relm wanted something new and he would deliver in spades.

Alastor didn't reply with words, instead taking a firm hold of Relm's hips and with a flex of powerful muscles, slid Relm up the length of his body until she was straddling his midsection. Pulling her hips away from his had required a lot of will, but there had been intention to it. Manhandling her with ease, Alastor took a more secure hold of Relm's hips and finished pulling her up his body, positioning his head between her thighs with his snout burrowing right into Relm's most intimate parts. Pink tongue extending in long, lavishing licks, Alastor tasted her, delighted rumbles reverberating in his chest as he sampled her flavor the way he had done to Manea many times over. Up to this point, neither wolf had enjoyed any oral pleasures from the other, and Alastor did so enjoy making his lovers writhe and quiver for him like this. Whether she chose to turn and return the favor to the obsidian and ruby brute or simply relax and enjoy the treatment he was giving her was entirely up to the pink and onyx fae. Relm wanted something new, and with his muzzle working between her legs and strong paws gripping her hips to his head he gave her what she asked for. And when he finally had her shaking in her peaks of pleasure for him, then he would show her even more new things they could do together.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
