
Raindrops Turn To Waterfalls

Hunting Seasonal w/ Lotus



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
07-16-2022, 12:32 AM
Spring is slowly taking hold of the lands of Boreas Sleepy predators are beginning to emerge from their dens, wandering after the prey that are flooding the rolling, grassy hills. There is plenty of meat to be had for any wolf capable of hunting. There are still storm clouds that darken the skies from time to time and bring with them, driving rain that turn the dirt to sticky mud. Today the sun is shining but a cool breeze tricks the brain into thinking there might be a storm off on the horizon even through no clouds darken it. The rolling hills that make up this lush land are dotted with the forms of mule deer; a herd having settled in the once pack land. Rain has washed away the lingering scent of the wolves that had once lived here and the prey have become bold enough to once more lounge out in the open.

A tawny form stalks through the grass, long body folded to hide the girl’s tall frame. With the turning of the season’s came the closing of the first year of Terra’s life. For the brown and black wolf, the year had been marked with loneliness, heart-break, and loss. Emerald eyes watch a small cluster of deer, a young male catching her hungry eyes. Long legs pull her closer, ears twitching as she keeps alert for anyone that may come to challenge her hunt. The wind shifts, bringing a bitterly cold breeze with it. If she was paying more attention, Terra might have noticed the moisture that suddenly fills the air, making it seem heavy. Saliva pools in her mouth as the girl moves into striking position, the thought of a fresh meal drowning out all of her senses.

Body stops, muscles tensing as the girl with the black mask readies for the chase to come. However, something shifts and the deer she watches with keen eyes pause in their grazing to sniff the air, ears flicking in a show of agitation. Confused, Terra scents the air, finding that she is still downwind and also not finding any other predators that would cause their nervousness. Finally, she pulls her gaze away from the small cluster of deer and turns her emerald eyes skyward to find that the sun is gone. In its place are fat, moisture-laden, black clouds that threaten to unleash rain at any moment. Terra is still young in the grand scheme of things and has never seen clouds like these. Fear sinks a rock into her gut and, for a brief second, she thinks of running away.

However, as Terra looks back to the mule deer that she has been hunting, she finds her meal is beginning to flee and the need for food greatly outweighs any fear she might have of some dark clouds. Paws push off, launching her in the direction of the fleeing deer, what remaining reserves of energy the girl has is being put into this hunt. If she hopes to survive, Terra will need to bring down deer and eat her fill. As she takes off, the heavens unleash all their tears upon the earth and rain pours out in torrential sheets. The dirt soon turns to mud as Terra races after her target, her focus never wavering from the meal she must have.

WC: 556
Total WC: 556 / 1500

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag