
All or Nothing!



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-16-2022, 02:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2022, 02:32 AM by Sakura. Edited 1 time in total.)
"You have." His voice and accent brought back a familiar taste of home. A longing for something both similar yet different that she didn't know she had until now. She was not of peasant blood, however. Her vibrant koi markings said as much. Years of careful breeding had marked her as higher stature than most, and it seemed that he bore the same breeding. She breathed a small, quiet sigh of relief at finally reaching the elusive koi clan she had been searching for. "If you wish to join us I need to know you are capable. Tell me about yourself." Now it was a matter of gaining entrance, a task she was confident she could handle.

She nodded, keeping her head high but remaining respectful of his position. Sure she was pure-blooded nobility, but right now in these lands? She held no official rank. "Yes, of course." She would oblige. After all, she had nothing to hide. "I've come a long way, from lands I am sure you know very well." It was a guess, though she was confident of her observations so far. "My father is the clan leader of one of the larger clans in the eastern regions. We are of noble blood, and I am the only daughter out of all my father's heirs. I, along with 8 brothers. While they fight for my father's favor, I got tired of battling to earn the favor of my father knowing that no matter what we did, it would never come to be. He is old and stubborn, clinging to the old ways of the Shinobi. I have no qualms with such a life, however, why waste my life and efforts for something I know will never bear rewards and continued strife? I am sure that were I to fight for the throne and secure it, my brothers would likely fight me night and day until one of them had it. It is unheard of for a female to claim the Koga clan's throne...and not only that, but I would only be inheriting lands ravaged by clan wars against our rival clans. They are just as stubborn as my father."

She scowled, a sharp "tch" escaping her lips. Even if she did decide to take her father's place by whatever means she could, she was a woman of honor and did not have the indecency to simply steal it or take it in less honorable ways. And not only that, but it would likely take years to repair the damage the clan wars had caused. The clans that warred in her homeland were traditional and bull-headed. Where the women were no more than objects and rarely had a say in anything, especially political matters. Turning her gaze back to the koi male in front of her, a fierce look of determination in her gaze. "I ask that you do not mistake me for someone soft. I have plenty of experience, both on the battlefield, and off. I may be considered noble blood where I am from, but I don't sit around on my backside scratching my behind like I've seen others do. Something I am sure, you can appreciate." After all, he looked like someone that didn't sit around scratching his balls all damn day.

"Sakura Haruno"