
Raiding is the Most Fun a Pirate Can Have Without Kidnapping From the Empire

Raid Meeting



5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - Pansexual
07-16-2022, 01:18 PM

Hyacinth was hardly really there most days, he drifted between sloshingly drunk and miserably hungover. Today was the latter. He rose blearily from his depression nest, which was to say a bundle of stinking furs and the empty bottles he hadn't had the mental ability to clean up yet. Sparrow's call felt like a hammer to his skull but the man knew that all things considered he had to at least show-up, otherwise he'd probably lose his access to drink and while there were probably more things he should be worried about Hyacinth wasn't sure he even knew how he'd handle being sober.

Still showing up before his first drink of the day was probably better than showing up so drunk he could hardly stand, even if he looked about as miserable as he felt. He dragged himself to the group, gaze sliding over the gathering and taking note of his, then, missing brother. There were some new faces he'd yet to properly meet, or if he had he'd been too drunk to remember them. The man groaned and settled himself at the back of the group, silently praying that the sun would feel less like it was trying to pluck his eyes out soon. Sparrow spoke and Hyacinth did his best to listen, a new kidnap victim and their next raid. Hyacinth hadn't made the last one, too blasted out of his mind to even realize the time that had passed... He should probably do his best to be there this time, he should probably seriously consider weaning himself off of his dependence on drink... But then he'd have to face his grief... Neither idea seemed all the favorable to him.

"Talk" "Listen" Think