


10-09-2013, 06:13 PM

ooc;; sorry this took so long, should be quick though <3

The russet goddess slithered through the steam, having slipped from her home to the lower lands in search for prey easier then mountain goats. But before her hunt she desperately wanted a steam. Her heat season was clawing at her, the sweet scent trailing behind her no matter where she went, begging for release. But of all the months to lay with a man this was not one she was keen on. Children had never been in the game plan for her, had never been something the red demoness had wanted to plague herself with. They came with ties to the father, ties to them until they were old enough to care for themselves. Worse then that they came with stretch marks and swollen teats. She had seen various women after they had given birth, or even while they carried their pups and she never wanted to do that to herself. It would be utter madness to do that. The goddess had given her the knowledge and know how to abort pups but it was never easy on her system. She had done it once in her lifetime, last winter, and had regretted it for a month after as her system had tried to recuperate.

But as she slid through the steam a familiar face appeared before her and a tidal wave of memories from one wonderful night came crashing back. She couldn't help herself, that seductive grin split across her features and her tail began waving behind her as she halted in her steps before her. "Did you miss me precious?" Her words were a purr, head raising ever so slightly and spine already arching at the memory of him. As far as men went he hadn't been half bad. Generally the woman preferred the company of her own sex but Creedance had proved her that maybe men weren't a complete and utter write off.