
I found it. It's mine (Claiming)



Master Hunter (270)

Expert Intellectual (215)

An icon representing the specialty Beast Master Beast Master

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-18-2022, 05:27 PM

Her fangs were able to get purchase on his neck as he raised his head, and the spurt of his blood mingled with hers staining her face and down her neck and chest. He reared up slightly to try to throw his paw over her shoulder, but Corbie took a step back at the same time she pivoted her hindquarters again - this time to her left ninety degrees - and the paw slid all but harmlessly down the front of her right shoulder leaving only minor scrapes behind from the dull claws.

Though opening her jaws it made the gash on her cheek burn like a hot poker she ignored the pain as she aimed to catch his lower jaw in her mouth from underneath on his way down before his bite could connect (COUNTER) in an attempt to break the bone and end the fight. She winced internally at the thought of doing so much damage to an opponent, but better to have him need to suck up meat slurry for a few weeks and end it quickly than to drag out the fight. All the while they had been circling, Tam had been circling with them to stay out of their way, and now behind Kotori and somewhat to Corbie's right, the collie made his move. Tam was rather more grimly practical than Corbie about causing permanent damage, so he sought to land a deep slashing bite on the back of Kotori's left hind leg at the hock in the hopes of permanently severing the tendon there - like hamstringing a large prey animal.

Unfortunately Corbie's move brought her blundering into the way of the snow leopard companion's attack, though pivoting had changed her angle somewhat she couldn't avoid it. His bite hit along the back of her left thigh, leaving moderate lacerations there that might have been worse if she hadn't been in the process of moving so his bite hadn't been able to get more of a grip. The claws caught her on top of her left hip and the top of her tail, leaving somewhat severe lacerations that would undoubtedly scar.

Through her pivot she was careful to keep her weight centered as much as possible for balance, her legs spread slightly shoulder and hip distance apart, so an attack couldn't knock her over. She crouched slightly to lower her center of gravity, and allowed her joints to stay loose and flexible even as she moved. Her paws were spread wide for tract the increased surface area, her toes flexed to drive her dull claws into the ground for grip with each step. This meant that - though it hurt like hell - the leopard's attack wasn't able to throw her off balance or knock her over. Her head remained neutral with her spine except when she was actively attacking, and her raised tail moved as she'd pivoted to keep her balance. Despite the painful notch out of one, she was careful to keep her ears pinned back to make them smaller targets, and her eyes narrowed to protect them as well.

Round 3/3
Height 31"
Build Medium
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times