
Raindrops Turn To Waterfalls

Hunting Seasonal w/ Lotus



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
07-18-2022, 11:40 PM
Long legs stretch as Terra chases after the deer, silently telling herself this is her last chance at a hearty meal. The starts to rain fall, quickly turning into heavy sheets that obscure her vision and pounding mercilessly into the ground. Eyes narrow as she squints, working hard to try and keep the deer in sight but her visibility is quickly diminishing. Suddenly, the deer vaults… something and she quickly follows its path. Muscles coil as she prepares to vault over the obstacle when the head of a wolf pokes up from the long grass. Surprise causes the willowy girl to miscalculates her jump and she tosses herself sideways to try and avoid hitting the boy.

Terra tumbles through the mud, legs all akimbo as she comes to a stop in a crumbled heap. For a moment she lays there stunned, the thundering of mule deer hooves pounding restlessly, mockingly through her head. As Terra rights herself, she looks to the boy that caused her to lose her meal, hot tears burning the back of her eyes as she opens her mouth to rebuke him. Suddenly, the earth rumbles and her expression morphs into one of utter terror. The ground, unable to soak up all the rain that has suddenly been released from the heavens, groans in pain and the girl with the black mask looks down at paws… only to find them underwater.

Terrified emerald eyes look to the horned boy, silently begging him for help even as she shouts, “Flood!” Deer rush past them, along with various other animals as they all seek to escape from the flash flood. Turning, Terra spies a tall hill where several deer are congregating and she shouts, “Get to that hill!” Black tipped toes point it out and she spares the boy a glance. With that, the earthen girl takes off toward the higher ground and hopefully, safety from the raising waters. For the moment, her hunger is forgotten as fear takes its place in her stomach.

WC: 335
Total WC: 1137 1500

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag