
Moonlight Madness

using for deer daddy + Eden

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
07-19-2022, 05:15 AM

"I'm sorry too."

To be frank, she felt horrible. She didn't like who she was becoming in those moments. She didn't like it and hated herself for saying those things to him. She pushed him, and it nearly cost them both. His Demon could have woken up. He could have actually harmed her without meaning to, even when she said those hurtful things.

Ignis let go, and went back to the cave. She followed, looking back at the rising tide. Well... there was no use going back now. Her short little legs would not make it back to the beach in time. Entering the cave, she had a fleeting moment of looking around but saw he had more or less taken the 'floor'. Eden scoffed. She didn't know why.

"W...We're a little past being shy around each other" she points out, this time coyly. Oh goodness, she would regret this. She really would. Why was this heat season so bad for her? The riled emotions, the heated debate... It had made her all worked up. It was all his fault.

And he was the only one who could fix it.

Eden ignored the furs and went to sit next to him. Stretching out her body, she curled up next to his red fur after it. If he demanded to make himself uncomfortable, he'd just deal with her being there too. "You captured me..." she added, reminding him but also not blaming him this time. She was passed this song and dance. She was tired, but not too tired.

"Do you really think you can just ignore me?" She inched her snout closer, engulfed by his larger frame but managing to press her own against the side of his. "it's your fault" she murmured "don't leave me alone, okay?" She didn't know where this neediness came from but she was going to roll with it. She relished how powerful it made her feel.

That sitting next to Ignis made her feel powerful.

Oh goodness, she really was a bad person. This was not right. Not right at all. But at the same time, it felt so right. To be wanted enough so a man one barely knew... captured you. Yet he hadn't done anything untoward. It was... almost disappointing. Wasn't she desirable enough? Was she just a trophy to him? She wiggled closer until he was forced to lift a paw up. Something else would happen also.

Something that would connect them for a long, long time. But, first... She would soon sleep a bit soundly next to him, all things considered. They had worked something out, their pent-up aggression. The anger. The hurt. The feelings of rage. It melted into something else, as he brushed back against her. That it felt so natural or was it need?



ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children