
sweetest things


10-09-2013, 07:29 PM

ooc;; and I just say (once again) OMG TALON HAVE MY BABIES!!! SQUEEEE!!

She loved that smile, even though nerves were slowly eating away at her courage she couldn't help but giggle and smile at that goofy smile he flashed at her. But he noticed her hesitation and his energy seemed to die down as well. God how could she say this? It was good news, she wanted to stay with him, she wanted to stay here. But what if he didn't want her to stay? Sure he had invited her last time they had met and yes every time they met it was like they never wanted to leave each other but would he still want her to stay? He had mentioned another woman in his life, and though she had not recognized the feeling of jealousy initially when he had spoken of her she had understood later on and slowly her insecurities had started to gnaw at her. What if he didn't want her anymore? What if this woman with the strange name meant more to Talon then she did? Kangi was still knew to the whole experience of love, at least this kind of love, and didn't really understand that someone could love more then one other person. She had loved her mother and then she had died, she had loved Prospero and then he had vanished and now she loved Talon. She had never loved more then one person at a time. Though she was beginning to realize that what she felt for Talon was a bit different then what she had felt for the parent figures she had had in her life.

Talon replied to the girl easily, speaking in soft tones to her and Kangi couldn't help but flash a smile his way. He moved a bit closer and draped his head over her shoulders, she couldn't help but arch her neck and place a soft kiss on his cheek even as he applied a bit of pressure and coaxed her closer. She didn't resist, shuffling a bit to close the distance so she sat contently before him, enjoying the warmth of him wrapped around her. If she could have stayed there forever, listening to the sound of his heart, she would have been happy. She leaned slightly against him, though not enough to push him off balance and closed her eyes for a moment. At least until the young girls voice brought her back to reality. Golden eyes fluttered open softly and she fixed her wide eyed gaze on the girl, large ears fluttering towards her as she spoke then drew in a breath to gather the courage to say the rest. She could understand that pause... But before Kangi could speak the arrive of another female interrupted her, this time though the wolf came from the direction Talon had come. Was she a pack wolf? Had she come to check out the intruders?

Muscles tensed for a moment, not wanting to pull away from Talon's embrace but not wanting to be dragged into the pack lands either if that was this female's intentions. But she had kind eyes and after a second Kangi realized that her stomach was round with child. It took a few more seconds before a soft smile drifted over Kangi's features and she allowed herself to relax. She kenw Talon? She had to be okay... "Yeah, Talon and I have been friends a long time..." She paused to place another kiss on the boy's cheek and chuckle. Then her attention turned towards the young female again, smile still soft. She didn't want to run the girl off... "Hey, I'm Kangi and I'm looking for a pack too... Maybe we could ask these two to take us to someone who might accept us together?" Well there was no turning back now... If Talon hadn't already released her she would pull back now, putting a slight distance between them as she got up the courage she had come here to tell him. "I want to stay with you, if still want me to..." There was hesitation in her voice now as she addressed Talon directly, wide eyes searching his expression for some hint as to what he might be thinking about this.
