
time to assess your skills!

[ beau ]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-19-2022, 05:24 PM

When Wren called him to the battlefield this time Beauregard moved with more confidence. He was getting stronger, slowly but surely, by fighting predators and other wolves. He felt more confident than when he had first arrived in Boreas and when he first fought the alpha-to-be. While still uncertain of what to expect in his role as Tanelan’s… guardian of sorts… something within him whispered everything was going to be fine. He’d be ready if Mika showed up again. He’d help Tanelan protect himself from… well… he didn’t really consider Mika the same wolf at all. Sure the other used Tan’s body… but Mika was a world different from the wolf he was to call a packmate.

Beau gave a small nod to Wren as she thanked him for coming. Of course - he wasn’t one to turn down a request, especially from her. The woman had already earned his respect before she became his alpha, and how she seemed to handle the care of her members was enough for the youth to trust her fully. A good-natured smile appeared on his muzzle as he watched her set her defenses. He did likewise, slipping into a stance that was becoming more and more natural with every fight he came into.

“Wren,” Beauregard drew in a breath. “Friendly spar or not, I’m not going to hold back. I’m going to show you all I’ve learned!” Above him, listening in on the two wolves, Trill let out her cry. She was there to help, and make Wren proud of both of them.

Beau drew his blade in a calm, swift, yet a confident movement. The curved knife he held glinted in the sunlight and the yearling narrowed his eyes. It was time to begin.

The young male kicked off the ground, keeping his teeth tightened around the shaft of the blade. He came out Wren head-on, without fear, as he listened for Trill above him. The Bluejay was on the move, trailing behind her wolf companion, and yet, their movements almost seemed to be on the same wavelength, as if they were one.

The yearling sought to close the distance between himself and the alpha quickly. But though he came in hot the youth wasn’t going to merely crash into Wren, no. He pivoted on his right side, shifting his weight to that same side as he sought to slide up toward her left side with his own left being parallel to her own. He kept his head aligned with his spine during the charge, only to twist it down and to the right, raising the edge of the blade upward, once he felt he was close enough. For Wren to attempt a bite on his front half she would risk a tangle with his blade. He swung towards her, hoping to slash along the flat part of her left shoulder as he came in close and, with any luck, continued to move past her in a fluid movement. If she managed to stop that forward movement, however, he’d be prepared to change tactics on the fly. You never really knew how a fight would go, or how it’d evolve, until you were in the thick of it.

Beauregard vs Wren for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Curved blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather arm wraps
Companion 1: BlueJay, Female - Perception
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual

"Speech," 'Thought.'