
Twinkle Twinkle Little Flame

Fia <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
07-19-2022, 08:24 PM

Fia spent more of her day sleeping than night, but really she just slept a lot in general. She was rather lazy this early in her youth, she wasn't bound with energy like most pups. She did use her energy wisely though. She helped Irilyth around the den, she took to her early teachings well. She didn't cause too much trouble which may have taken a load off of her parents and maybe even her siblings as well. No one really had to babysit her. There would be a day she'd get a little more adventurous, a little more alive. But she'd be bigger and more capable of herself by then. Or so she thought. She certainly wouldn't think herself ever weak or helpless. It wasn't in her blood. She'd just take advantage of the little duties she had now as a small pup knowing that one day she'd have more responsibility just by watching her parents and siblings working so hard for the pack. She was a rather observant one at least.

She did stir a little as she was curled up beside her mother, the short nap that led her further into the night and then awake later on. She could just lay here for a while until she went back to sleep again, she didn't really bother either of her parents when she woke up in the middle of the night. But tonight her mother had caught on. As Manea's head turned towards her, she was met back with the soft abyssal eyes of her daughter. Fia would follow just as her mother suggested, carefully and quietly towards the exit of the den. The way she walked had shown she had been up for long enough that she wasn't stumbling over her paws and soon they would be outside on the mountain trails.

It was near instinct as Manea led them to the ledge and laid down that Fia laid down just in her spot against her mother where her paws would overlap over one of hers. Her eyes looking back up at her mother as she spoke she gave a gentle smile and the slightest wag of her tail before her gaze went back down at their paws. "Sometimes it's just easier being up at night." She spoke in a quiet tone which wasn't untrue. Honestly she wasn't sure which she liked more. She was still a little wary of the rest of the pack or at least of putting herself out there. Usually the only wolves out at night were the patrollers, but she didn't leave their den at night on her own. It just seemed quieter and more peaceful like it was right now with her mother, she could tell.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.