
checking in

[ sparrow ]

Eden I

"Build on the light to carry you"


4 Years

HomebodyDouble MasterPride - Bisexual
07-19-2022, 09:12 PM

Sparrow complied. Eden didn't expect a fuss, but she expected... Well, she wasn't sure what she did. Getting to work, she brought out some herbs. Ginseng root was placed first on the sandy beach. "This will help your immune system, lowering shock and stress" She knew Sparrow probably raided all the time, but there could be some nerves - especially when she mentioned a date "that's ginseng root, but I'll add some lavender." She takes out the precious purple plant.

"Rub the lavender on you to feel peaceful - and smell nice" She didn't know what sort of woman Recluse was, but she was important enough to personally raid and 'date'. Eden pushed the lavender stock to Sparrow "do you want the ginseng root in a powder or do you prefer to chew it?" She paused, mentally checking the King over with her eyes, aware of the question but refusing to answer until she knew Sparrow was 'fine' "back in winter." she added to the King.

"I didn't know he was an alpha" she nearly whispered, rummaging through the medical supplies she had "and I don't know what the Big Dark is" but "he invited me to join the Plunder, was a bit worried I was on my own. It was the closest pack, and you were throwing a party to invite new members... But, we only knew each other by the end of winter before the year turned new. I traveled with him here, and the rest is... up in the air." How easy the lie slipped. Not too much information but enough to be acceptable.

Sparrow would speak next about Hanako. "Yes - I checked on her. Brought her food, and said she wasn't hungry. I gave her lavender to help her sleep and gave a poultice for her neck. She's probably going to be calmer for a bit if she takes the herbs." Not stupid, but calm. Relaxed maybe.

1/3 - medical check up

ignis praetor is allowed in any thread, even ones marked private
baelfire, diablo, rivin and aresenn are also allowed due to being her children